In Loving Memory
Dilian Deal Martinez
Aug 7 1954 - Apr 4 2021
The Power of I AM
In the last 2 years of my mom’s life, she became inspired to create these cards with the phrases ‘I Am,’ ‘You Are,’ and ‘We Are.’ While I always enjoyed learning of my mom’s latest creative projects, I never followed my curiosity as to why these phrases meant so much to her until her passing from cancer on April 4th, 2021.
In my research, I came across a curious article written by Dr. Wayne Dyer titled “the power of I AM[1]” where he writes: “The words I am, which you consistently use to define who you are and what you are capable of, are holy expressions for the name of God—the highest aspect of yourself.”
Dyer goes on to point out that many of us carry around unconscious “I am” statements that don’t serve us, whether it’s saying, “I’m not creative” or believing internally -however unknowingly – “I am not capable of doing this or worthy of having that.”
From Marcus Aurelius to Benjamin Franklin to Marion Miller and Maya Angelou, we learn that Great people wrote messages to themselves. They kept a careful eye on how they spoke to and about themselves.
Benjamin Franklin, aiming to strengthen his character, would write a trait he would like to develop, like “Integrity,” and at the end each day placing a round dot for every action that he felt was not in alignment of his aspiration to embody Integrity. When he could go a full week without having any dots on his notecard, he felt he now possessed the character trait and would then move on to work on embodying another trait.
I’ve found great value in using one of these “I Am” cards as a morning practice. I begin my day reflecting on what quality I’m committed to embodying, and thus, bringing into my life and the lives of those I love. Somedays, “I AM playing more”, other days “I AM listening with interested curiosity.” Other days, I leave a loved one a surprise You Are… [insert my favorite quality about them]. You never know when will be the last day you’ll get to tell someone who they are to you.
However you feel drawn to use and share these wonderful cards, I hope this gives if only a tiny window into the mind of an artist. Thank you, mom, for helping us transform how we see the world.
WE ARE grateful,
Your 4 Deal Boys
The Handmade Card Collection